Monday, April 30, 2012

Fleck Nail Polish

 What can I say I love the 3D/Holographic nail polish. In all 3 photos I used Finger Paints Black Expressionism as the base color. In the above photo is the new China Glaze Hunger Games Luxe and Lush.
This is Motley by Finger Paints

This is a combination of the both.
Sephora by OPI how I love thee. This is Looks Like Rain, Dear (the gold) with Flurry Up. (Silver hexagon flecks with silver sparkles) I wore this for my husband's company's Christmas Party and the way the lights hit the hexagon flecks was just amazing. I normally wear this combination when I have to dress up.

Claire's Magnetic Nail Polish

This is the blue color from the Claire's line of Magnetic nail polish. This formula is easily applied and the magnet even has the grooves to center your nail. I have gotten so many compliments when I wear this and  it doesn't chip very easily. I also have to say that if you do try this out that you need to hold the magnet over the nail polish for at least 20 sec+ to get a decent design. I will try to get pictures of the other colors and I will do a comparison with the China Glaze line also.

Marble Mondays!!!

I recently discovered how to do water marble nails. It took me quite awhile to get it to look right. In the end it looks pretty good for a first try! Please email me any questions!!!
In the above picture:
Sinful Colors: Sweet Dreams bought at Walgreens (base coat)
OPI: Ski Teal We Drop bought at JC Penney's Salon
OPI: Sparrow Me the Drama bought at JC Penney's Salon

New Blog!!!

Greetings!!! My name is Angie and I absolutely love doing my nails!!! I've often purchased polish being mislead by the color in the bottle so I decided to start my own blog to help show others the nail polish's true colors. After all, we've all had this happen to us. Please let me know if you have questions or would like to see a certain color from a nail polish line. (As long as it's not like $15 a bottle, I am a stay at home mom.) I'm hoping to help someone and maybe even find cheaper alternatives for expensive brands!